Avoiding the dishonest

There’s a saying:

“You’re the average of 5 of the people closest to you.”

What if you’re the sort of person who chooses to be surrounded by people with low morality? People who have no problems lying.

Inevitably, you’ll find yourself just like them, if you’re not already.

You’ll find yourself lying more than you used to.

You won’t be bothered as much when you hurt another person.

You’ll find yourself accommodating to the people you choose to surround yourself with.

But of course you can avoid people like that if you want to be a decent and kind person.

But what if you can’t avoid them? What if your own family is exactly the type of people who are dishonest?

How do you avoid them?

First of all, you make up a decision on what kind of a person you would want to become in life?

Would you rather be a person of integrity and value? The sort of person people look up to?

Or would you rather become a person who is looked down upon for being rude and unkind?

The right mindset will make everything easier. It’ll make you take the right decisions in your life.



Gratitude Journal


Kindness to the unkind