

"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."

Truth. It’s a funny little word.

We’ve become inured to it meaning two different things to two different kinds of people.

The first group comprises of some who live their whole life using it to cultivate a reputation of honesty. Their conscientiousness means that they repudiate living their lives with anything but honor and dignity; kindness and empathy. While the second group of people changes it to create a false narrative only to hurt others. Sometimes, sadly but unbeknownst to them, themselves. It’s how the truth changes. However harsh.

How does this second group come about? Lies, which may stem from lack of empathy, guilt, shame means that it doesn’t matter if you hurt others as long as you care about only yourself. Sometimes, it’s how they survive. Sacrificing their long-term relationships with others in exchange for short-term instant gratification from similarly ill-advised peers.

It’s the saddest thing in the world when the world shows no remorse. No guilt for their actions. No thoughts about the consequences of their words or actions.

It’s what some people live their lives for. It’s the chaos that they need to feed their need for vindication. Even if it means destroying other people’s lives. Unfortunately, you can’t make them understand. No matter how hard you try. You can try. But if they inherently fall into the latter group, sometimes it’s a worthless endeavor.

In today’s world, truth has become relative. It shouldn’t be. Facts don’t change just because people want them to be. But the second group of people possess an innate skill of making people believe anything they want. It’s a skill they have, albeit cold and cruel. To do that, you need to have a mix of traits. Zero empathy. Lack of guilt or remorse. A need for vindication. If you have these qualities, you’re good to go.

You now possess a skill set to create falsified stories and narratives about anyone you choose. It can be about anyone. The world is your oyster. The only thing left is how you want to create this story and you can let your imagination run wild.

Being surrounded by people who possess the same lack of morality as you help further your goals. It acts as a catalyst. If you’re surrounded by people who thrive on talking about others, making things up, it helps you to have even lower levels of empathy or guilt.

The worst case is when this group believes their lies. Sometimes, it’s a psychological delusion. Which is treatable. But other times, these people know exactly what they’re doing. Garnering attention, they change the truth to accomplish their goals. Be it for money, career ambitions, relationships. It doesn’t matter for what.

In today’s world, there are many who cheat on and defraud other people for money. They have no boundaries to how low they can stoop to. Often times, these people are supported by their environment: friends, relatives, etc. to further defraud others for their financial plan. Relationships are mere financial transactions to these people.

Choosing to be silent can be difficult when a person is in a situation like that. But sometimes it’s the best way. The very people trying to hurt you fall into their own trap of hatred. As inevitably, karma catches up to them one day. They realize that no matter what they do now, it’s futile.

People begin to realize what is true and what is made up. They always do. Sooner. Or later.

Like the saying goes: “Three things cannot be long hidden: The Sun, The Moon, and The Truth”.


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