5 Easy Ways to Become a Better Student Today


When I was completing my Bachelor’s Degree, I found some of my Computer Engineering courses to be relatively difficult and I had to prepare for them beforehand. Even though I found some of the courses a bit difficult, I still managed to get 24 A grades (16 As, 8 A-) in my program. How did I do relatively well even when I found some of the courses’ content difficult?

I followed a few simple yet practical steps. If you follow these 5 easy steps, you’ll learn better, have less stress, and get better grades starting today. These values will serve you well, long after you complete your education. You’ll learn to be more disciplined, understanding, and think better.

The 5 Easy Steps you can start today are:

1. Be organized

  • Have an organized study table, with your computer, books, copies, pencils, and pens, or anything else that you may need.

  • Have your course schedule written down on a piece of paper and hang it on your door or study table as that will help you visualize how much time you need to spend on which subject/course.

  • Utilize your Notes App on your smartphone to write down your schedule and organize accordingly. As the semester progresses, write down key dates: exams, submission deadlines, etc.

2. Plan beforehand

  • Complete your assignments long before your deadline. Effective time management will not only help you in your studies but also help you in all aspects of your life.

  • Charge your laptop and have backup mobile data. In our country, Bangladesh, where electricity and internet outages are an occurrence, it is important to take practical steps to mitigate its effects. Planning for what you're going to do in case of emergencies will mean that you won’t get caught off-guard.

3. Smart + Hard Work

  • Don’t just work hard but rather work smart. Divide your studies up. Dividing your work into chunks will make it easier for you to complete your assignments in time.

  • Review your class materials ahead of time, in small chunks. Never cram or try to study a day before your exam.

4. Take notes

  • Taking handwritten notes will help you narrow down what you need to study when your exam or assignment is due.

  • Highlight the important topics discussed by your teacher in class. It's much easier to reread your notes and know which important topics to study than to not have any idea about the topic.

5. Set a fixed time for studying

  • Set a fixed time aside every day for you to study, such as from 8 pm to 9 pm or whatever works for you.

  • Having a set time would mean that you’d be better prepared when exam time comes around and forge it into a habit.

    Follow these 5 simple steps and you can become a better student starting right now.




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